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Miners Tryouts for Spring/Summer 2024 are closed

The Colorado Miners will be holding basketball tryouts for the 2024 Fall season.

Open tryouts are a critical part of competitive basketball. All players, regardless of being on an existing roster, having played with the Miners before, or being new to the program, must attend at least one tryout for a roster consideration. 


Tryout Fee $25 Per Player includes both sessions that can either paid via Venmo to Coach Perkins @Coach_Perkins or can be paid at the door.  To speed the process please Pre-Register at the button below






Players should attend the day / time of the Grade they are currently in


Tryouts will be held at: 



Boys 4th-8th Grade 


Boys 9th Grade (15U)


Boys 10th Grade (16U)


Boys 11th Grade (17U)


Boys 12th Grade Unsigned Seniors (18U)​

The Colorado Miners is a registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.  All donations are tax deductable to the extent allowed by law.

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